Thursday 24 February 2011

Why Worm your pet?

Why your pet needs Drontal - regularly.
Parasitic worms infect nearly all cats and dogs at some time in their lives. They can still damage your pet's health - and worse still, your family's.

The answer is regular worming. If you worm at least every 3 months you will help to keep your pet healthy, and importantly, the number of worm eggs shed into the environment will be vastly reduced.

Some pets need to be wormed more frequently.

It is difficult to prevent worm infection, so it is a good idea to treat your dog or cat regularly for worms.

The kind of life your dog or cat leads will affect their exposure to the threat of worm infection.

Pets can get worms from:
* Contaminated soil - worm eggs and larvae are passed in the faeces of infected animals, and some can survive in the soil for a year or more.

* Fleas - can be infected with tapeworm larvae and pet's can easily swallow fleas whilst grooming themselves.

* Hunting - cats and dogs can be infected with a tapeworm as a result of eating small mammals, such as mice, rats and rabbits. Roundworm can also be transmitted in this way especially when cats eat birds.

* Use the pet profiles to identify how often your pet may need to be treated, and then discuss this with your vet.

What is your pet like?
Your pet's lifestyle will determine its level of risk from worms. Take a look at these typical profiles and then discuss with your vet how often your pet will need worming.

The outdoor type - ALFIE THE BOXER DOG
* Young and energetic, this dog loves the countryside.
* Occasionally catches rabbits and rats.
* He will roll in anything smelly and disgusting.

Alfie's habits make him vulnerable to roundworms, tapeworms and the fox hookworm. Worming should be done at least every 3 months and in some cases monthly worming may be recommended.


* Like all puppies, Fergus may have been born with roundworm infection, or acquired it from his mother's milk.
* Not yet house trained.

Everybody likes to cuddle puppies particularly children! Therefore, puppies ideally should be wormed every 2 weeks after birth until 12 weeks of age and then at least 3 months thereafter.

The town dog - FRED THE MONGREL

* Very much the family pet and at 7, he's in his prime.
* He's up for a run around in the local park, where foxes are frequently seen.

Fred may be exposed to hookworms, which could infect as many as 7 out of 10 UK foxes, as well as making him vulnerable to roundworms. His owners should also watch out for signs of fleas, as the flea tapeworm could be at risk. Worming should be undertaken at least every 3 months.

Queen of the sofa - SMOKEY THE CAT

* Six-year-old neutered female, hardly ever leaves the house,
* Too lazy to hunt - and why bother, when the finest cat food is at home?

Less exposed to worms than many pets, Smokey's owner should watch out for fleas - they can cause tapeworm infection if she swallows an infected flea whilst grooming. Ideally Smokey should be wormed at least every 3 months.

The mighty hunter - SPIKE THE CAT

* At home, he's just a big softy - but when he's out and about, he's the terror of the mice and rats.
* All his victims can carry worms, so he could catch more than he bargained for!

Spike is more vulnerable to tapeworm infection therefore, ideally, he should be wormed on a monthly basis.

The wannabe tiger - TIGGER THE KITTEN

* One of a litter of six
* Just learning to be independent from mum though he's still not allowed outside.

The main risk is the cat roundworm that he may have acquired from his mother's milk. If mum brings fleas home too, he'll soon have his share of those. Kittens should be wormed at 6 weeks of age then every 3 weeks until 4 months old.

Is Drontal different? Definitely!
Approximately 76.5 million doses of Drontal have been sold in the UK to date - and here are the reasons why:
* Only Drontal kills every type of intestinal worm commonly found in UK dogs and cats.
* Drontal even kills the fox hookworm which can infect your pet.
* A single dose* that doesn't have to be given with food - routine worming made simple!

The Drontal range has a wormer for every cat and dog from a 6 week old kitten to an 11 stone St Bernard.

Drontal - Buy 3 doses Get 1 Free at Pet Dispensary

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